3 Functional Medicine Hormone Balance Tips. Naturopathic Hormone Balance Full Guide.

3 Functional Medicine Hormone Balance Tips. Naturopathic Hormone Balance Full Guide.


Welcome to the Dr. Stirrett Show, where Dr. James Stirrett helps men and women optimize their hormone levels, get into shape, and have more energy and motivation to do the things they love. In this episode, Dr. James Stirrett shares his top three tips for balancing hormones in just 30 days using a functional medicine approach.  Covering digestion, protein intake, and strength training for optimizing hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, testosterone, and cortisol.

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In this podcast episode on hormone health and functional medicine, Dr. James Stirrett shares tips and insights on hormone optimization, bio-identical hormone therapy, digestion, protein intake, strength training, cardio, stress reduction, mindfulness techniques, hormone imbalances such as PCOS, menopause, and andropause, thyroid health, testosterone and cortisol levels, energy and mood, nutrition and gut health, hormone research and trends, hormone therapies and conditions, hormone imbalance symptoms and causes, hormone replacement therapy and testing, hormone supplements and balancing foods, as well as hormone optimization tips, techniques, strategies, practices, advice, and resources for anyone on their hormone optimization journey.